The Purpose of Palms
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The following passage is taken from Pius Parsch’s The Church’s Year of Grace, vol. II. He is quoting Father Howell from his book Preparing for Easter. Even though the reference is to the pre-Vatican II liturgy, the symbolism remains and can be used to help instruct the people at Mass about the importance of palms for their own spiritual use.

And at the end of the Mass, we take our palms home, and reverently place them behind our crucifix; and we would do well to use the palms of all the members of our family, placing them in the living room, the kitchen, the bedroom, the garden—in any place where we pass our time—that they may remain there throughout the year. Why should we do that? Because at the end of the procession the priest says this prayer: ‘Lord Jesus Christ, our King and Redeemer, we have carried these branches and sung solemn praises in Thy honor. Graciously let Thy grace and blessing rest wherever these branches are brought; with the power of Thy right hand defeat every evil influence and deception of the devil while granting Thy protection to those whom Thou hast redeemed; who are living and reigning with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.’

The palms are not instruments of magic; they are not like superstitious amulets supposed to possess any power or virtue of their own; but they are the visible signs of the powerful prayer of God’s Church which calls down the blessing of God upon all the places where they are put. We who have faith in the Church should have faith in her prayers, and make use of their power to our sanctification and protection.

This information has been reprinted from Holy Cross' Sunday Bulletins
Holy Cross Catholic Church - Batavia, IL -- Page Last Updated 03 Apr 2007