The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

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What does RCIA mean to the candidate?

This is a special time in your life, a time that you have never before had and will never again have. The word journey expresses a significant aspect of this special time. A journey involves a movement from one place to another that includes various encounters, changes, and experiences taking place along the way. The best way to enter this time is to slow down and let yourself enjoy the journey.

The time needed for a faith journey is in contrast to the time needed for a life in a very fast-paced culture. Air travel is often frequent. More expressways cut down daily commute time. Various kinds of fast foods are available within minutes of most households and workplaces. Computers, copy machines, e-mail, and overnight express quicken communication.

Learning about the Catholic faith involves more than acquiring knowledge and information. Becoming Catholic involves entering into a relationship with a community of faith. Gradually you will get to know members of your parish community. These are people like you who are willing to share their faith, their gifts and talents, and their struggles and concerns.

Your faith journey provides you with an opportunity to grow in a deeper relationship with God. Reflecting on ways you experience God, hearing one another’s experiences, and praying together and alone provides space for your relationship with God to deepen.

As you come to know more about the Catholic faith, you will also get to know more about what is "inside" of you. Your faith journey affords time for you to notice your life experiences, your thoughts, awarenesses, and beliefs. The sessions will provide an opportunity for you to bring your life experiences and values into dialogue with views and beliefs of the Catholic Church.

Holy Cross will be holding an Inquiry evening in the near future. All ages, all kinds of religious backgrounds, baptized or unbaptized, children or adults, all are welcome to "come and see" with no strings attached. Please call the parish office at 630-879-4750 for more information or with any questions.

This information has been reprinted from Holy Cross' Sunday Bulletins
Holy Cross Catholic Church - Batavia, IL -- Page Last Updated 03 Apr 2007